Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What A Friend We Have In Jesus...

TODAY our daily bread is on Friendship...and I say... living a life without friends is not LIFE...

As Jesus had said in John 15:9...He imphasized on loving our friends just as He has love us... He obeys God's commands and thus God loves Him....

In this world, we have friends around us...but how much are we doing for our friends? Ok, lets talk about me, how much am I sacrificing my time for my friends or family?? Sometimes I wonder I am doing enough or just not enough for them... sometimes I feel I have failed to give them my best.

When one incident occured, when my best friend stopped talking to me for quite awhile, I began to ponder... what had I done wrong..was it my fault? What should I have done? What actually did I do?? Sometimes I dont know which area that I have offended my friend, that is the problem....

But nevertheless, I humbled myself to apologise to her... I dont really know what had gone wrong...As I prayed over it, something came to my mind... that it never hurts to be humble... just sending a note or a sms that is so convenient nowadays, it can heal up a 'small fracture' in a relationship...

Dont wait too long... if one really treasures the other....

Whatever happens, we can always pray and He is always there....... WE ALWAYS HAVE A FRIEND IN JESUS....

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