Sunday, May 3, 2009

To Let Go ..

Last night's sermon given by Pastor Jeyakumar was very good, straight to the point with an impact in my mind. He spoke of the book of Nehemiah... sermon outline was about sins and blessings...

He said if we do not let go of our little sins, it will become more and more each day and one day, it will be like a giant sin. If we manage to let them go meaning to dispose our sinful ways, there will be room for God's blessing to flow into our lives.

I agree with him, I admit that I do have something that I did not let go yet and I wish I would never have to. But one day, I know I do have to end it and I hope God will help me to overcome the hurt if I do.

1 comment:

  1. Very blessing. I agree with your pastor. Thanks for sharing :D GBU
