Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nothing Lasts Forever Sidney Sheldon

I have finished reading Sidney Sheldon's string of books and not only once, sometimes I read them over and over again after a period of time. His books are really breathtaking... thrilling... exciting... that I just couldn't put them down at one time. Sidney is and always will be the best author I have ever known.

Nothing Last Forever is another thrilling book he had ever written... it is about three beautiful doctors, each facing their own dilemma and one has even end up in her death due to a joke gone awry. If there is a movie based on this show, I would be most most happy to watch it... in fact if all the books that Sidney had written, turned into movies, how wonderfully glad I would be!!


  1. ya i like this book too. Just dont like his latest books

  2. I’d also like to follow your blog in return if you’d send me a link to it.

  3. I love Sheldon. Nothing Lasts Forever is one of my favorites written by him...Too bad he passed away years ago. But it's good he had written so many books. He was always clever.

  4. sidney sheldon is the best author i know..........his books are just marvellous
