Monday, June 3, 2013

Cool Designs Sunglasses

These hot sunny weather days are not over yet.  I really do not like to drive during the hot afternoons especially nowadays.  I have lost my pair of sunglasses, not really lost, I think I must have misplaced them somewhere.  Being absent minded, I cannot recall where I have put them.  If they are still not found within a week, I would have to get a new pair of sunglasses.  My eyes will not need to "suffer" any more during the day when the sun is glaring into my eyes.  I think I better check out for carrera sunglasses for their beautiful designs, they really look very cool and I think I will look great in them! :)

1 comment:

  1. I want a pair of wrap around sunglasses that protect my eyes from all sides. The sun is not something to be messed with.

    Sometimes you are out in the sun for just a few minutes and the heat hits you. The sustained impact of all of that energy can be damaging if you are not careful.

    Sunglasses are a better investment than a leather belt, when you look at it this way. Thanks for making those points.
