Saturday, May 28, 2011

Inspector Singh-Written By Shamini Flint

I finished reading this book in a matter of few days.... A Deadly Cambodian Crime Spree is very well written by Shamini Flint...
Where there is horror of the crimes written, there is also a space where humour was found, a character namely Inspector Singh. The way Shmini wrote about him, he portrays a real person in my mind, what he thinks and says, they are very familiar to my imagination. Love the humour there!
But on the other hand, the sorrows and frustration felt by the Cambodians are very touching.... we who are not staying or living there, we should count ourselves many times blessed... the horrors and the tortures the civilians have to go through, I guess no one can imagine how terrifying it really was during the killing fields tragedy....
The ending was quite a surprise to me... I never thought... never expect that he is the one....Great Work, Shamini!!


  1. never came across this book before, but will bear in mind to check it out on my next book-hunting mission :)

  2. Glad you enjoyed the book. Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.
