Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Load Limits

I love this verse because it has applied to my life and it is a consolation to know that our God is faithful. When I was faced with hardship those days, it was very painful, I thought I was all alone facing the trials and the storms ahead, whether I was able to cope with the difficulties or not, it was kind of unbearable.

When I come to know in Corinthians 10:13, it says, "God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear", it is a great relief....that shows God knows us individually, inside out, our strength, our weakness...He will not allow anything more than we can bear. He knows our "load limit", He wont allow us to be overloaded with what we can bear.

If He permits trouble to come into our lives, it's bearable..............


  1. Amen sister! Indeed our God is a great and awesome God! I was facing trials lately and I kept on seeking Him and he revealved His ways. This has urge me to keep on seeking Him and depended on Him daily.

  2. yes, our God is a good God.. He is always with us and in us...

  3. hihi...I am so glad to find your blog...get to read about your experiences with God...PTL...

    do visit me too...hope to see you in my blog soon..god bless
