Last night I was chatting with my brother and he told me something important I should know and practise. I would like to share with all of you here too, especially Christians who is spiritually low at times, this is what we should know.
When we are befallen, when we are "attacked" spiritually, with sickness or with sad news, we should not give up hope. For example, if we are stricken with a deadly virus, we should not worry ourselves to to near disaster. Don't leave any leeway for the devil aka satan to come into our minds, sometimes we are not aware that we do that. We might tend to worry ourselves, thinking how long we have to live, medicine that might not work, no one to talk to, feeling lonely and alone, all the negative thoughts will come into our mind and make us give up very fast.
Do not feel that way... we must take trials as a testing of our faith to develop perseverance. When we are attacked, think of Lord Jesus, how He suffered on the cross and how He has sacrificed His life for us. We are in the fallen world but do remember we have our Lord with us.. so whatever happens, let us not think negative... THINK OF HIS GOODNESS!
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