Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bible Translation

Just came back from church an hour ago. Tonite message from Mr Louis Ratnam was very short and brief but it brought the meaning of Bible Translation to the congregation. He related to us the importance to reach out to so many people, all over the nations. To the distance and to the near as in Malaysia, there are still 108 translations to be needed for the understanding of the Malaysians. Kudos to the missionaries who sacrifice so much of their lives to do the works of our Lord Jesus Christ. May their good work reach out to the many peoples of the world....


  1. Glad you enjoyed the presentation!

    Blessings as you continue to serve the Lord.

    -Paul, for The Seed Company (part of Wycliffe).

  2. hi Paul, thanks for coming by.. wonder how u got to know.. :)
